Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quickie Good Eats Part 2

This will not be an annoying series of parts. However, I want to relay some yummy things I chewed on in the past week or so that I failed to mention in the original. Hence, part deux:

- Cha-Cha's atmosphere and food overall were deliciously fun. Since it was going to be a tea house originally, they have a plethora of choices which I admired.
- Curry chicken salad at Cafe Coco's - get over the college kids and wanna-be college kids and support this cheap-eats dig with live muzak in the back
- Family Wash's - Beet salad and chicken pot pie. I heard the carrot cake is out of this world (I just stared and drooled but our table gobbled it up and sang praises.) We were happy campers with the live bluegrass strumming from eight o'clock on...their website divulges the bands in queue
- Pimento cheese (on-the-run) from The Picnic....reminds me of sandwiches on our sailboat topped with a salty-dog deli's version we used to hit in P'cola.

That's all I got so...


Featured Sites:
The Picnic
Family Wash
Cafe Coco's

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