Monday, November 12, 2007

Whole Lotta Fun

Unless you are under that rock again, you cannot miss the new Whole Foods. It is the most buzzed 'bout place right now and for good reason. While I love and will stay loyal to The Produce Place, I can't help but be lured into the big-box organic grocer/dining hall! This particular store is an upgrade from those who know it from neighboring stores in Kentucky and Atlanta. After entering the store you can wander through a well-stocked flower and produce section to the seafood and finally (gasp!) a hot-made-to-order bar! Yes, you can cozy up on a bar stool and order salmon caesar salad (ok), a burger (could make the impending tour) or crab cake sandwich. My friend, Katie, ordered fries with her chicken and ham sammie and I ended up eating half of them (just helping a bud out.) I guess you can say they were tasty (click, click, click).

Once you are thoroughly foggy from warm goodness, head over to the prepared foods section. Everyone can be happy here - you'll find sushi, made-to-order pizzas and paninis, chicken salad and my favorite smoked mozzarella pasta salad. There are sooo many cheeses, desserts, breads and soups to choose. Finally, as you have entered food euphoria, don't foget to try their fantastic red pepper or zesty garlic hummus. Whole Foods gives you two salad bars - one "traditional" and the other with "designer" stuff like wedges with buttermilk dressing and mediterranean salad. Please, don't forget to grab a hot chocolate or chai tea latte from up front. Oh, and when it heats up again, they have gelato. Another plus to this place, try anything for free. Recycle bags (that includes Target, Kroger, etc.) at 5 cents per piece. I love it when helping the earth is easy.

Did these guys forget anything? No, Whole Body, for those interested in vitamins, hemp clothing and eco-friendly cosmetics are in luck next door. Both stores are a whole lotta fun, but bring your whole wallet.

Whole Foods in located in the new Hill Center
4021 Hillsboro Pike
Please, park in the Hill Center parking garage, not at the Y

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